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Food Service

Whether you're looking for something unusual or want a partner to consistently supply you with the finest quality ingredients, you’re in the right place.

We work with around 500 of the best restaurants in the country so we're no stranger to the demands and pressures you're under.

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Now In Season

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Jersey Royal potatoes

Jersey Royal potatoes, famous for being one of the UK's favourite new potatoes, are renowned for their unique taste, flavour an...

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Food Service

You'll find us easy to do business with


As well as competitive, daily market prices, do talk to us about our fixed weekly and monthly options


As you’d expect, our commitment to quality is backed up by the highest independent, industry evaluation.You can find more info on our accreditations page.


We deliver into London and around the South East, please call to check that we can come to you.

Timely Delivery

We deliver in refrigerated vehicles 6 days a week. All vehicles are tracked 24/7.

To keep up to date with what’s in stock, sign up to our weekly newsletter

Farm Tours

Whether you're a new or an existing customer, if you'd like to come and see our crops, new product development, cold store and pack house, we'd love to show you around.

Watts Farms

The best group size tends be around six people and we usually need a couple of months notice to organise your visit.

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